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Male Scorpio Posts : 216
Join date : 2011-07-18
Age : 32
Location : Home of Crazies

Awaken, Empty
PostSubject: Awaken,   Awaken, Icon_minitimeSat Jan 25, 2014 10:59 pm

The clouds blocked out the sun and it was surprisingly cool today. A light mist gave the ground a kind of purple water feel to it, as shadows danced lightly on the water. A disfigured being was sitting atop a tree branch. A cloak hid whatever made them disfigured, but a faint white glow was emitting off of them as they sat lifelessly. The wind blew and softly caused the leaves to move, the tree creaked as it was the only sound being made in the silence of a somewhat lonely atmosphere. Creatures gathered around the corpse like figure, all of them creating a shadow that was darker than black around the body. The creaking of the tree stopped when the breeze died down, a soft rustling sound was heard off in the distance as an animal ran for shelter.

The tree branches weren't eerie looking but they did look slightly evil. On this island where its live or die, someone had very little respect for the dead. Keeping their head low a hood covered ninety-nine percent of their face and the other one percent was covered by a silverish dome, They didn't move nor did they seem to have any life in them aside from the faint glow they were giving off. Their cloak moved as whatever was under it was twitching and itching to be set free.

Birds the same color of night landed all around him, their black eyes watching the sky and the area around them for movement. They would stand guard to make sure nothing would happen to the tree. Any normal person would think these were vultures and they were protecting a dead corpse they had found but these birds weren't of the scavenging type, they were mostly ordinary birds. So thick one could not be sure just what they were. With a voice as soft as the mist around them the lifeless body whispered, "Nobody Exists."

Nobody Exists...Nobody Exists...Nobody Exists...

In that instant the words echoed throughout the area, and lying on the ground rested several bodies of those who had died. They rested in cherry wood coffins, soundly sleeping. Those who had lived full lives, the chosen ones to breath life into this new place. "Awaken, Human... you can rest when it is time to die." They slowly removed their head wear and revealed a silvery dome for a head, no eyes lips or a mouth. They grabbed a single fruit from the tree and held up up towards the sky as the clouds cleared and the sun shined through. The shadows that were once thought birds then revealed their true form. Chimeras One of them jumped down and began to circle one of the coffins... waiting for the chosen to awaken...
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Female Leo Posts : 53
Join date : 2011-07-21
Age : 32

Awaken, Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awaken,   Awaken, Icon_minitimeSun Jan 26, 2014 12:03 am

Navi lay resting in her coffin, not yet conscious. She was still at rest from her living world death. Flashes of her entire sad excuse of a life raced through her mind like a dream up until her last moments. As her dream reached the end of her life Navi's eyes beamed wide open. Her last thoughts were of her impalement into the tree during the accident. Her natural response was to cling to herself and check for her wounds. There was nothing. The lack of blood and pain caused her to go into shock and she started to hyperventilate. She looked at her surroundings and saw she was in what seemed to be a box. She snarled in almost fear and slammed her fists on the top of the box and the top flew off.

She calmed herself down rather quickly and came to terms with what has happened. She knew she had died and now she is in her new afterlife. She doesn't say anything, only observes. The giant tree is somewhat overwhelming for her. For one, it was massive in size. For two, she was just killed by a tree. This particular tree gave her a strange and unfamiliar feeling. She knew it was not a normal tree that one could just cut down for wood or sit under for shade. She had a feeling it was a very important thing for her new surroundings.

The next thing Navi noticed was the chimera that was near her coffin. She jumped back and growled at the strange creature. This wasn't a natural animal. Different body parts of different things. She continued a low growl and kept her guard up not knowing how the thing would react.

Finally, the last thing she noticed was the empty, deathly looking figure. It looked humanly but didn't seem like one. "Wh-who...wh-what?" Navi managed to stutter words out to the dark figure. She was more confused than frightened. She hadn't seen any of these things before so she wasn't sure whether they were friend, foe, or neither. Navi huffed and puffed in frustration, "WHERE AM I?"
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Male Gemini Posts : 210
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Age : 39
Location : England

Awaken, Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awaken,   Awaken, Icon_minitimeSun Jan 26, 2014 12:57 am

Reeve remembered that night it replayed in his mind how foolish he was, he'd been a fool all his life, a fool to think he could change people, a fool to think he'd be accepted...ah well he'd fought for what he'd believed in, to him that's all that mattered.

Despite the riots going on that evening, despite the screams and cries of pain and the shouts to rally and come to arms, he felt calm, serene almost, he knew he was bleeding out, the bullet in his right lung made it hard to catch breath and occasionally he coughed and choked on his own blood, but he endured it, it was such a nice evening, the darkened sky overhead was so...comforting; he'd been a black sheep and seen naught but the darkness of humanity for most of his life...it was here he felt safe, it was here he felt calm; he let his eyes flutter closed as he let out his last breath and let the darkness overtake him completely.

What he did not expect, was to wake up.

He let out a startled gasp as air filled his lungs once again, his red eyes blinking awake though he knew not where he was or why he was here. Slowly he tried to sit up, only for his head to thump hard against the wood of the coffin and he let out a strangled curse of annoyance before he pushed at the lid, the coffin opened up easily and he squinted at the faint sunlight one arm shielding his face as he got used to the light again.

After letting his eyes adjust to the light he looked around, other then a row of coffins only four things stood out; the huge tree they were centred around, a young girl who was very naked and annoyed, a strange looking creature who seemed to be a mix of various animals, and a robed figure who seemed to be ignoring her. He didn't know where he was or why he was here but he wasn't about to ignore a second chance at living. A quick look at himself revealed that he too was very much naked and he flushed a  but in alarm and embarrassment as he decided it;d be better to stay in the coffin for now "Hey...what's going on?" He called to the young girl and the person in the robe who weren't standing all that far away from him.

Last edited by -Reo- on Mon Jan 27, 2014 12:43 am; edited 1 time in total
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Male Virgo Posts : 129
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Age : 29
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Awaken, Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awaken,   Awaken, Icon_minitimeSun Jan 26, 2014 1:35 am

The screams were still ringing in his ears, the cries of blood from his fellow kin crying in outrage for his sins of doing nothing but trying to help people. The murders that he has caused rest heavily on his chest as he awoke almost immediately, a gasp for air his final memories coming back to him the burning of the noose around his neck still a bitter memory. adrenaline pumping through his veins he immediately sits up as stiffness takes his body almost violently. He didn't even bother glancing around his first movement was his arm reaching up to his neck feeling where his doom was once and now was no more. However he was suddenly aware of his surroundings, brushing his dark black hair to the side revealing his bright green eyes as he searches every little surrounding the fact he was in a coffin sent a shiver down his spine.

 "Is this the afterlife?" Gash managed to conjure a thought however he was unable to actually comprehend the idea, his thought of an after life was much different than this, and he was sure there was some pit of hell waiting for him. The thought of a second chance was too great for him to accept still expecting the flames of hell to engulf him, as if it was some cruel joke in order to play with his emotions.
 After what seemed like fifty seconds of debate he accepted his fate for what it was and begun really examining his surroundings

"Well, trees and WHAT IS THAT." his mind screamed as he shrank back into coffin, his only real safety in the strange new world, he glanced up scared and confused at the creature speaking, waiting for some kind of explanation to the strangest event in his life. now realizing the people around him knowing he was not alone was some form of comfort and allowed him to lean up once more feeling empowered by the fact he was not alone in the hell that would follow.
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The Boss Man
The Boss Man

Male Scorpio Posts : 153
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Location : Here... o.o

Awaken, Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awaken,   Awaken, Icon_minitimeSun Jan 26, 2014 1:49 am

"Awaken?" Maria had already come to terms with her death, as far as she was concerned she was still ill and was waiting for her time to come. It was not until she heard an unfamiliar voice, that she out of curiosity opened a single eye to realize she was already in a coffin. She began to push the top of her coffin off to the side, not to take it completely off but to peek outside. She gently raised her head out of her coffin and slowly looked around. She winced at the sun, as if she had not had her eyes open in years. Looking around she was surprised to see the beast known as a Chimera. Even more so surprised to see the giant tree. "Where are we indeed" she whispered. She did not want to draw too much attention to herself, so she laid back down in her coffin, to make sure she would not be noticed, she gently put the top of her coffin back. She checked her self for weapons and found nothing. She was starting to feel nervous and due to not having a means to protect herself she was afraid.

She took several deep yet extremely shallow breaths, she was not ready to come out of her coffin yet, but she sensed other were up and moving now besides the girl. It would not be long before she was possibly discovered, with this in mind she began to come up with a method of action to take. She began to count the different voices she heard. She came to the conclusion that so far there were at least five people out an about, not including the chimeras... the thought of defending herself from them, was a task in itself. She began to rip and scratch at the fabric in her coffin bedding in hopes to acquire some form of weapon.

Calor jumped up from his sleep, hitting his head on the roof of his coffin. He winced in pain and grabbed his forehead, the thud he made knocked the roof of his coffin off. He had just felt the pain of the firing squad, and much like Navi he began to check himself for holes. "I'm alive" He leaned up and took a look at his hands and arm, then stretched out to touch his feet. He then touched his face, to check his temperature. "Surely this must be the after life" He pinched himself and winced from the pain, and then thinking that rather silly of himself he gently padded the bump on his head that was slowly forming from earlier. Hearing Navi yell caused his attention to snap to her, and seeing the Chimera he instantly realized he was not back home. He then look around and noted the male and the robed figure and decided that he would introduce himself. After all it looked like no one else was being too much of a person for answers.

"Beats me" He said with a friendly tone, he waved to Reo and climbed out of his coffin with no shame. At this point if they were all naked there would be no real point in trying to hide it as they were both a live and clothes would be something they would have to find. "I hoped you or the girl knew, but based on what I hear the answer is a mystery to us..." He had a warm and welcoming smile to him, one that he intended to portray a friendly character. Realizing that Reo was slightly embarrassed he quickly turned around only to see the other male shriek at the sight of the Chimera. "Oh... right... that is extremely... out of the ordinary... I wonder if it's friendly..."
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Male Scorpio Posts : 216
Join date : 2011-07-18
Age : 32
Location : Home of Crazies

Awaken, Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awaken,   Awaken, Icon_minitimeSun Jan 26, 2014 12:09 pm

The corpse slowly moved a single finger, and soon its limbs all began to move in a graceful, yet anamatronic way. Taking their two arms they pushed themselves off the branch that they were sitting, and gently fell to the ground, stopping in mid air before their feet touched the ground. The cloak flapped in the air revealing a more human appearance beneath all of the rags. "Humans!" They called out to gather the attention of those who had awoken. The voice sounded electronic, as if generated by a computer. "Behold, the land of Origin... Behold the Tree of Might, and lastly Behold your new life" The corpse pointed his hand at the ground infront of him, and in a flash of rainbow spectrum bubbles, a chest appeared. Inside this chest was clothing, but outside that nothing of great use to anyone. "This is the gift of the avatar... I bring you, clothes to hide your shame... and I present to you... The Tree"

The Tree of Origin... The Tree of Might... The Tree of Humanity... The Tree of Life... The Tree of Chaos... Yggdrasil... The Vine of Sodom... The Cypress of Keshmar... The World Tree...

The Chimera would echo the other names of the tree, telepathically... unable to not be heard by anyone in the area. The one Chimera would back away from Navi's Coffin and instead return to the corpse's side as a dog would to its master. Another cold chill blew through, and the tree was stirred once more. As it shook in the winds wake... leaves and apples began to fall from the tree. On the ground you could see that it was littered with golden fruits, and leaves. If one were to look out farther they could see that there were other coffins around them that had yet to open... some had not yet awoken. Behind the line up of coffins that surrounded the tree was a small moat that circled the coffins and the tree. A bridge made of roots from the tree allowed one to cross the moat.

"I am Life... I am a creature known as an avatar... the governors of Eden, you are humans... the ones that have been given a second chance at life... and the ones who have been given a chance to create a being that is better then what you were before" The Avatar then picked a single golden apple from the ground and walked towards the cowering male, who was hiding in his coffin. "Take the fruit... and leave... If you return... you die..."[i/] The avatar then picked up another fruit and brought it towards Reo, the corpse placed it on top of the males head, perfectly balanced even though Reo was not. "Do not eat more then one fruit... or risk punishments far worse then death" He sat another apple on the ground next to Navi, and then kicked one apple on the ground towards Calor. "Fear all of Eden's creatures at night" He pointed at Maria's coffin, and froze in place. As if something was causing him to malfunction. The Chimera seeing this jumped and encircled her coffin... one of them even started to let loose a eerie growl.

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Male Virgo Posts : 129
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Awaken, Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awaken,   Awaken, Icon_minitimeSun Jan 26, 2014 3:14 pm

He did not notice the avatar at first before the word clothing, Gash was much to distracted by all of the sounds happening all around him. His eyes flicker forward to meet the chest, and he clenches his teeth to keep him from stepping forward for suddenly the sounds were echoing in his head. "the Tree of Origin, The Tree of Might, The Tree of Humanity, The Tree of Life, The Tree of Chaos, Yggdrasil, The Vine of Sodom, The Cypress of Keshmar, The World Tree." Gash mouthed wordlessly. looking for an answer in the words spoken.
However Gash did feel one over powering feeling when the man approached him, hunger, the threat that if he returned death was sure to follow did not bother him one bit, for he did not plan on returning as he snatched the apple and as if on queue he stepped forward and grabbed the first thing that caught his eye out of the chest, a very light cloth tunic hardly thick enough to block a light breeze sliding it on almost embarrassingly he began stepping away. That is until the silence, he paused horrified he did something wrong as he turned, now clothed as he watched the avatar shouts at the still closed coffin, Gash's horrors were relieved almost instantaneously and he begun stepping away from the scene towards the makeshift bridge still not sure what the plan was for him.
Gash finally built up the courage to speak, his voice slightly shaky however his observation escaped his lips. "There are so many others." he says out loud to no one in particular however, his voice completely audible as he walka.
He takes a bite of the apple, a bitter taste filled his mouth almost enough to spit it out but he swallowed anyways shaking his head he glances at the apple's juicy inside to make sure he wasn't eating something rotting, however it looked normal nor did it leave any lingering feelings of discomfort, merely tasted like death itself. [color:025d=3333cc] "That's weird." Gash mumbles to himself taking another bite of the apple which without fail made him cringe in a similar fashion to before however he continued on his journey only to stop at bridge and wait for the others slowly stomaching his apple.
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Male Posts : 196
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Awaken, Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awaken,   Awaken, Icon_minitimeSun Jan 26, 2014 6:02 pm

Reid yawned and tried to stretch in the darkness before realizing he was not in his bed like he assumed, it was a cramped space with a top or lid. He pushed on the lid, praying it would open, and to his surprise it did. He had no idea he had died in his sleep, and was utterly dumbfounded at the scene around him. A bunch of naked people, red coffins like the one he was still sitting in, some kind of shady figure calling himself an 'avatar' under a giant tree. His first thought was that he was dreaming, and he would wake up soon, but just a moment of staring was enough for him to realize this was much too real to be a dream. He looked down at himself and found he too was naked, which he didn't care about except for his scars. He stayed in the red death bed and watched to see what others would do before moving himself.
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Male Gemini Posts : 210
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Awaken, Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awaken,   Awaken, Icon_minitimeSun Jan 26, 2014 6:10 pm

Reeve listened to the corpse; he'd heard fanciful tales of the world tree, but never did he imagine he'd wind up here with a bunch of strangers; so far there seemed to be two girls one very young and stubborn looking, the other much older , and including him were two other males one of which looked a little younger then him who seemed find with walking around and strutting around naked, and the other  who seemed to be focused on getting cloths.

The only reason he was shy to step out of the coffin as because there were ladies in plain view of him; he'd been taught that you didn't go flashing your self in front of strangers, especially girls. He blinked as an apple was placed atop of his head; he'd never seen such a fruit before either, taking it in his hand he looked the golden fruit over in his hands as he listened to life "Eat the fruit and leave huh..." he said with a sigh.

He took a big bite of the fruit as he eventually stepped out of the coffin seen as Calor was walking about unashamed he figured there wasn't much point in him hiding; he took the time while he ate the bitter-sweet fruit to examine himself; all his old scars and wounds were gone, and he had had plenty growing up as a child; there wasn't even any bullet wounds from when he was shot repeatedly. Looking at the rest of the group his red eyes watched the chimera and 'life' the avatar wearily before he pulled out some clothing he decided on a loincloth to cover his dignity a thin shirt and a large cloak to cover his face and body; the large cloth could be used as a tarp to protect him from the elements in the future and should serve to keep him warm.

He finished the fruit and felt a little strange after doing so, maybe it was because it had been bitter? Either way Reeve wanted to know how he got here and why he was alive, and it seemed the others had similar questions. "So...everyone here died before they wound up here right? Or...is that just me?" He asked loudly enough for those who were awake to hear him; despite the fact he'd grown up in America he sometimes still had a hint of his Irish accent, especially when stressed.

As he said that another figure seemed to awaken and he blinked and turned to the coffin Reid was in "Ah...hey" He said; he didn't know what to do with this new life or where he would go from here on out but he figured he might as well try and make friends, especially when he had failed to make many the first time around, maybe band together with someone, after all people were mote likely to survive if they teamed up "Need a hand?" He asked offering Reid his to help him out his red eyed watching him curiously "There's clothing in the chest"

Last edited by -Reo- on Mon Jan 27, 2014 12:45 am; edited 3 times in total
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Female Leo Posts : 53
Join date : 2011-07-21
Age : 32

Awaken, Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awaken,   Awaken, Icon_minitimeSun Jan 26, 2014 6:36 pm

Navi watched the others peep out of their coffins and saw that their reactions were pretty much the same as hers. Confused. She realized only after the fact of the avatar explaining their nakedness that she was even naked in the first place. Shame was not exactly one of her few words. She rose out of her coffin completely and just walked around to the other people still in her naked form. She looked at Reo, "I was killed by a tree in an avalanche before awakening here...or I thought I died...one does not simply get pierced my multiple tree branches and then walk away from it alive.." Navi looked over at the tree and then back at the Avatar. She was hesitant to take a fruit. This wasn't just any normal fruit. Gash had bitten into one of them so she walked over to him to somewhat analyze. "Is it safe?" She cocked her head to the side in a curious manner. Surely he would not have eaten it if he didn't think it were safe..or would he? She then saw that Reo had eaten one as well. She looked at him to see if he was ok too. Navi approached the tree and slowly raised her hand to grab a fruit and then glanced back at the Avatar guarding the tree. She picked the fruit and sniffed at it. The people that awakened with her seemed to be ok so far so she nibbled at it. The taste was abnormal and strange but in a good way. It tingled a bit. Navi was enjoying her fruit while still in the nude. She watched as the others took clothing and then remembered that it probably wasn't exactly optional for them... Her face blushed a bright crimson color and she went to the chest of clothing. She didn't completely enjoy wearing clothes but she didn't hate it either. She found an over-sized shirt and she just put that on. It was all she felt she needed. Navi saw one that remained in his coffin. He looked a bit more skittish than the others so she approached Reid. Reo had approached him as well. Navi stood behind Reo and watched the two interact. As Reo offered his hand to Reid, Navi gave a little wave and a small, but warm, smirk-like smile. She was glad that everyone so far seemed to be kind to one another.
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Male Posts : 196
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Awaken, Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awaken,   Awaken, Icon_minitimeSun Jan 26, 2014 6:49 pm

Reid took the offered hand and stood up. "Thanks…" His southern accent was heavy, he wondered where the man who help him up was from with his strange accent. He ran to the chest and took out a sweatshirt and some jeans, they weren't bell bottom like he was used to but he put them on anyways, hoping no one was looking at him. He walked back to the man that helped him up, "Where are we? Im Reid, by the way." He looked at the fruit the man was eating strangely, what if it was poisoned?
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The Boss Man
The Boss Man

Male Scorpio Posts : 153
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Location : Here... o.o

Awaken, Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awaken,   Awaken, Icon_minitimeSun Jan 26, 2014 7:40 pm

Cal scoffed at the dirty fruit that came rolling his way, and instead of picking it up he, like Navi, walked over to the tree and grabbed a fruit. He was hesitant before eating it of course and carried it over to the chest to grab himself some clothes. "A shirt, and some pants are all I really want" He grabbed a relatively small white shirt, and some brown pants. He was pleased when he found a red vest to put ontop of his shirt. Looking at the others who got their apples he presumed it was safe to eat... so he took the apple and wiped it on his vest. Then he took one giant bite. The bitter taste was indeed intense, but he liked it. "Not bad" He thought with a solid smile, while the others who had awoken focused their attention on the helping one another, he was more so concerned with why the avatar of life had just stopped in his tracks, and even more concerning was the fact that these chimeras were circling a single coffin. He heard Reo yell out, and decided to answer him, but his eyes did not move away from the coffin. He swallowed his bite from the apple, and through the remains onto the ground. "I was executed by the military" He then began to step towards the group of chimera cautiously. "Hey... who ever you are... it's safe to come out... I think if you don't you might be in danger" His voice was nervous as he turned and looked back at the Avatar. "Its still not moving... it was so talkative a moment ago"

Maria could feel the chimera all around her, this indeed was a scary situation for her. She had finished getting the thread from the bedding of her coffin though, so she was ready for them. She kicked off the top of her coffin and lunged for the first person she saw, grabbing him by the arms she knocked him towards the ground. Afterwards she took the string she had robbed from her coffin and quickly made three loops around Cal's neck. "Alright... I figure someone has some explaining to do... and this explanation better come fast or I will kill this guy" She pulled out a second string and locked eyes with the pack of Chimera, she was not playing games and was not in the mood to sit and wait for people to make introductions before figuring out what was going on.

Cal tried to react faster, but he was completely caught off guard, he tried to reach for his neck but she had everything but his legs pinned. He let out wheezing sounds as he tried his best to keep his breathing going, and his legs kicked wildly as he was losing air fast. He kicked his legs a few more times before his face started to change colors. In a panic his body began to heat up to tremendous temperatures. He became hot to the touch the touch... so hot that the air could be seen heating up around them. The string around his neck ignited into flames and then vanished. He took deep breaths afterwards.

Maria jumped away from him the instant things began to heat up, "What trickery is this!" She backed away from Cal and made a tactical retreat placing her back up against the tree. She was extremely hostile towards everyone holding her second piece of string in her hand. He was breathing heavy and while she held her string in one hand she used her other hand to cover herself from the eyes of the others around her.
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Male Gemini Posts : 210
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Awaken, Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awaken,   Awaken, Icon_minitimeSun Jan 26, 2014 8:21 pm

Reeve looked over at Navi and gave her a look of sympathy; she looked so young, far too young to die at any rate, and he couldn't imagine how pained and scared she must have been in death, or how long it must have taken people to find her body after the avalanche, after being buried under tons and tons of snow.  "If it makes you feel any better I got shot...eight, no wait, seven times...sorry, it's kinda hard to keep track when you bleed out" he admitted with a faint smile to her before he nodded at her question about the fruit "Yeah I think so, it's a little bitter but it's edible enough" He said with a smiled at her before he nodded to Reid before leaving him alone to change "I don't know, last thing I knew, I was dying, looking up at a starless sky, then I woke up here...maybe its heaven?...I'm Reeve by the way and you two are?" he said introducing himself to Navi and Reid.

Reeve looked over to Calor who had finished dressing and seemed to enjoy the fruit that he plucked from the tree before he raised an eyebrow at his explanation of how he died, and decided not to ask WHY he was executed; their pasts didn't matter now, not any-more. He was about to open his mouth to call Maria out of her coffin as well, before she leapt out and pounced on the other, pinning him down with string wrapped around the others throat before anyone else could move.

At Maria's demands he took a step forward "Hey listen to me, everyone here is just as scared and confused as you are right now, all know is that, at a guess all of us died and we've all been given a second chance, this is our chance to start over...don't ruin it by taking someone's life...there's no need to try and kill anyone" He said trying to reason with her as Calor began to get short of breath.

Reeve was just as surprised as everyone else when the strong caught ablaze and the temperature around him rose quickly; a quick glance over at Calor and he knew the other was okay, a little breathless but no real harm done aria on the other hand needed to calm down other wise she might threaten them all; he felt he had the least to lose so he approached her "Hey..." he said softly as he slipped off the large cloak leaving him in the long loincloth and the thing shirt as he approached before he offered it to her; he could tell she was uncomfortable being so naked so he was offering it to her so she could cover up "I know your scared, and I don't get what happened just now any-more then you but this isn't the way to go about things...no one here is trying to hurt you, so just take a deep breath and calm down...I want to help"

Last edited by -Reo- on Mon Jan 27, 2014 12:45 am; edited 2 times in total
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Male Posts : 196
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Location : California, USA

Awaken, Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awaken,   Awaken, Icon_minitimeSun Jan 26, 2014 8:42 pm

Reid was scared into silence as Maria became violent and attacked Calor. His mind couldn't think fast enough on what to do and he could only watch as Reo took charge in trying to calm her. He wondered why everyone was eating to fruit from the tree and guessed that they had to. Or maybe they were all really hungry. He would eat one too, after it was safe for him to approach. He didn't want to be choked by Maria's string.
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Male Scorpio Posts : 216
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Awaken, Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awaken,   Awaken, Icon_minitimeSun Jan 26, 2014 9:27 pm

The avatar dropped his hand and the chimeras dispersed. An apple fell ontop of Maria's head and rolled around on the ground. The Chimeras all jumped into the tree and looked down among the crowd that had formed. "Listen Carefully humans... this will only be explained to you once..." The Avatar slammed his hands on the ground as the chimeras gave an apple to Reid. "This Land is yours to own... this land is free for you to do as you choose... this land will always be yours while you please the Avatars of Eden... We are omnipotent beings that have existed here since before the progression of time... you have been chosen by forces beyond your understanding to live in this world and recreate humanity... in your image of what man kind should be like is up to you... but your first goal is survival... and to aid you in this the fruits you just ate, have each given you the ability to perform miracles... as you witnessed" The bridge made of roots began to grow thicker and more stable clearly this was the exit they would have to take. "You are to go out into Eden and establish homes and time and time again humans will be called to calm the Avatars. This is done in order to stop the destruction of the planet you now call home, now as I stated... you are all no longer welcome here... so take what you need and leave" The leaves of the tree all became crystal like in shape and the avatar revealed his true self entirely. The chimeras all roared, and the avatar vanished... they jumped down from the tree and there was one chimera for each person they were attempting to threaten the humans out. Clothes or no Clothes now was the time to leave or be killed.
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PostSubject: Re: Awaken,   Awaken, Icon_minitimeSun Jan 26, 2014 9:34 pm

Reid cautiously took the apple that was offered to him and studied the strange creature that offered it. He reluctantly bit into the fruit to find it was very strange in taste, not good, but not bad either. Reid backed away carefully from a Chimera that began to corner him. He dropped the apple, hoping one bite was enough and slowly started walking towards the bridge. He didn't want to be killed, not yet at least.
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PostSubject: Re: Awaken,   Awaken, Icon_minitimeMon Jan 27, 2014 12:53 am

(Just an FYI I decided to change Reo's whole back story after some discussion with Alpha Huntress, but I liked the old one so much I now have a new character, the history is the same only the name and his miracle has been changed and some minor details. Sorry this is so sudden >w<)
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PostSubject: Re: Awaken,   Awaken, Icon_minitimeMon Jan 27, 2014 12:55 am

A sigh of relief puffed from Gash as he watched from afar, his eyes stared at the scene intently studying each of the people trying to understand each of their personalities in a way. However from the distance he was it was very hard to hear the group merely mumbles in the wind. "What a stupid girl to threaten someone like that." Gash says out loud to himself as he slowly finishes the apple, core and all not entirely ready for the Chimera coming to greet him for he danced back slightly as the creature swooped down landing gracefully in front of him poised ready to attack.
 The chimera designated for him lands in between him in the group, seeing how he was already near the water it growls at him to drive him away from the tree. Gash nods understanding what its plan was and he turned around to walk across the vines to safety however, the vines he thought were a way across only extended in and out of the water about half way, in actuality the bridge was on the other side. A nervous chuckle escaped Gash's lips as he said to the beast. "I'm just going to go that way." The idea of talking to such a beast was silly to begin with and the chimera didn't even budge, merely snapped at him to get him moving. That is exactly with Gash did as he dashed all the way around the island the other way, making it to the bridge just as the rest of the group did, completely out of breath from running the equivalent of a lap around the island The Chimera following him the whole way. "I don't think I introduced myself, I'm Gash." he said out of breath, trying to break the now awkwardness caused by him abandoning them.

Last edited by Sheep on Mon Jan 27, 2014 1:29 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Awaken,   Awaken, Icon_minitimeMon Jan 27, 2014 2:23 am

Navi watched as Maria attacked Cal. She wanted to go over and help him but she didn't have it in her to move towards the fight. This was actually a first for her. Normally she had no hesitation to getting confrontational with someone. Navi's face perked up as she saw that Calor had overheating to the point past a humans normal temperature. Her eyes gaped open at this phenomenon. She wondered what her powers would be if she had any.

Navi looked at Reeve and introduced herself, "I'm Navi. Named after the forest I was found in before I was adopted. Her face turned down remembering her adopted father and how he had also died in the avalanche but he is not here with her. She watched how Reeve acted towards Maria and it reminded her of how her father was to her.

Navi's attention snapped towards the Avatar as it spoke. He spoke of miracles she could now perform. That must have been what happened to Calor, she thought. As of now, Navi was unaware of what her powers were, but she was certain to find that out soon enough. Suddenly the Avatar vanished and the Chimeras grew hostile. Navi's wolf like instincts came out as she hunched down lower to the grounds and growled a bit and bared her teeth. She had intended to leave as she was told, but not without proving that she was not just a little human to be reckoned with. "Time to go now!" She called out to the others and started across the bridge. She skipped across the bridge in her over sized t-shirt that flowed around her like a frilly dress. She skipped herself next to Gash and smiled at him. "I'm sure we are all happy to meet you. You too Reid. But yeah I suppose now isn't the time for manners." Navi smirked in a childlike way and waited at the end of the bridge. "So now what?"
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PostSubject: Discovering ones abilities   Awaken, Icon_minitimeMon Jan 27, 2014 12:58 pm

When the Chimeras grew hostile he knew they were out of time, he shoved the cloak into Maria's unwilling hands and opened the chest pulling out a bunch of clothing and scooping up one of the apples for her before he grabbed Maria by the hand "Move!" He said dragging her along so she'd catch up with the others who were already making a hasty retreat from the clearing and across the bridge in a hurry.

He hoped that Calor would be alright he had still looked more then a little stunned that Maria had tried to kill him and he made sure to catch up to the others despite whether Maria was unwilling or not to follow him; his first concern was that everyone was safe, once they were a good distance away from the clearing he stopped and caught his breath "Reeve" He said introducing himself to Gash who seemed embarrassed that he had run on ahead and left them behind; Reeve was just glad everyone escaped unscathed.

"Well you heard what that...corpse said to us; I think its safe to say we all died at one point or another, this is your new life and  guess were supposed to make the most of it, we'd all be better off if we worked together, we all ate the fruit right? So we should all have miracles of our own, we could use then to build a new life and work together "He suggested" I guess first things first is to find out what we can all do with out powers" He said softly.
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PostSubject: Re: Awaken,   Awaken, Icon_minitimeMon Jan 27, 2014 5:31 pm

Calor couldn't help but feel a little ill after losing so much air. He weakly stood up only to be shocked and amazed at his new found ability. He was then filled with anger towards the female who had attacked him. He was about to walk up to her and confront her but Reeves jumped in instead. To make things even more difficult the Avatar then claimed his full attention stating to everyone what was going on. He was not afraid, but all in all he was beyond pissed at the order of events that had just occurred and the fact that he couldn't say anything back just made him more frustrated. When the Chimera's began to threaten and bite at the heals of the other people he could not help but snap a little inside. He had felt threatened and his adrenaline was already high so when the chimera attempted to threaten him his initial reaction was to punch it in the face. He followed up, with grabbing the chimera by the head and then shoving his knee into the chin of the beast. Not giving the beast time to recover itself he used his hand to bury the beast head into the ground and used his knee to apply pressure to the chimera's chest. His other free hand was on the beast hind leg's holding it in place so that it could not threaten him anymore.

As the others left, he could see that the remaining chimera were turning their attention towards him, which the realization that he was outnumbered did cause him to come to his senses. He realized he had overdone it, and felt as if he was indeed in great danger. He knew the moment he let go of the chimera was the moment that he would be attacked by it. He did not want to kill the beast, but if he did not move fast he was more then likely going to be ripped apart by the other members of beast pack. So with that in mind he made the difficult decision. He crushed the beast rib cage with his knee and then kicked it away. The Chimera's were indeed chasing him, and chances are they would not stop chasing him. He ran over the bridge and kept running, not stopping to say anything. His first instinct was to head for the tree line, but as he thought about it these animals were a mixture of animals... there was certainly no where he could hide.

At the mention of the killing, Canna narrowed her eyes at him and started to actually listen to what the man was saying. Come to think of it, his gestures and the inflection of his words were very calming to her, along with the arrogant way he spoke. He must've knew that this situation wasn't something too stressful. He also made her realize that Calor was no enemy but simply a bystander. She was still just as uneasy regardless though. As if to drive things to make her feel even more uneasy, he gave her his shirt. "I don't..." She was cut off as the avatar slammed his hand into the ground causing her eyes to shoot towards the corpse's hand. Her eyes followed his fingers, as he spoke, and then not too much sooner he vanished and Reeves was pulling her off in some direction she herself was completely unsure of. As she was following his lead she just stared a bit at everything around her, The chimeras, and the other humans who would have to endure this fate with her. She had only one wish currently... and that was the wish of a sound mind. She shook herself mentally as this was not the time to cry over not knowing what to do.

When they came to a stand still, she was struggling to catch her breath. She let out small gasp of air. It was almost as if she was whispering her name "Ma..." She let out one last gasp. "Maria" She then fell to her knees and let the suns rays wash against her face as she began to catch her breath.  She still had her string in her hand, clutching onto as if it was the only thing keeping her tied down to the planet. She immediately removed Reeves cloak and picked up some of the clothes that he had grabbed, amongst the clothes was a pair of tight fitting pants and a white blouse. She put the articles of clothing on and stood up frustrated with herself, for not being so un-trusting of those around her. "I think it would be better if I was on my own" She wanted to walk away, after all she did just try to kill Calor, and that didn't exactly make the best impression, and even then... she knew deep down she could never truly care about any of them. As she had that thought Calor came rushing past the crowd with the angry Chimera chasing after him.
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PostSubject: Re: Awaken,   Awaken, Icon_minitimeMon Jan 27, 2014 5:41 pm

The Chimera all synchronized their thoughts and as a pack once they completed the task life had given to them, it was indeed time for the hunt. Ontop of that now that they were away from the tree all of the humans at this point were indeed fair game. A majority of the pack indeed go after Calor first, tho two of the Chimera lingered behind, they ideally went after those who seemed the weakest to them and in this case it was mostly between, Navi and Gash. They both began to charge their way towards the group making a barrage of animal noises all at once. The echo of a howling wold and the screech of an eagle. The Roar of a dragon, tiger, lion, and bear hybrid. could all be heard all going off at the same time.

The Leader of the pack lead the hunt on Calor he was much larger then all of the other Chimera, and was missing an eye possibly cut out in his fight for leadership. They were relentless as they chased him into the wood line, tearing down trees with their paws, and breathing fire out into the distance in hopes of frying him. some of the Chimera would even use their horns to ram into small boulders on the ground flinging them in Calor's direction.
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PostSubject: Re: Awaken,   Awaken, Icon_minitimeMon Jan 27, 2014 6:23 pm

Reid watched Gash run from a Chrimera to the bridge and introduce himself. "I'm Reid, I would say nice to meet you but I don't really think its the right time." He hoped the situation would be resolved soon and everyone could leave together, preferably with clothes.

Reid stared at the small girl strangely, what was she doing here? No, the real question was what was everyone doing here? He remembered a few people saying something about dying, so he turned to Gash and Navi. "Did you two die?" He didn't know if he died or not, it was certainly possible, but if it was murder or an accident he didn't know. Maybe an ex lover.

Reid stood between Gash and Navi when Calor ran by, being chased by Chimeras and Reeve pulled Maria along. He listened to Reeve, they had powers now? Was that why Calor heated up earlier? "Should we go help him?" He hadn't caught Calor's name. He noticed the two chimeras coming towards Navi and Gash. "Maybe we should run too..."
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PostSubject: Re: Awaken,   Awaken, Icon_minitimeMon Jan 27, 2014 7:29 pm

Reeve's eyes widened as the two chimeras began to approach in an aggressive way; he thought that they would be safe if they left the area, so why were they trying to attack them? He quickly pulled Navi and Maria behind him his incentive was to protect the ladies first; that's not to say he didn't worry for the other people around him but Navi was a child and Maria was still very confused, and hadn't eaten her apple yet.

"N-Nice Chimera..." He said softly as he tried to reach out a hand to per the creature even though he had a high risk of it biting him; he'd always been good with animals and he had to try and placate it before it hurt anyone else "That's it...there's no need to get angry with me...I'm a friend, were all friends" He said softly placing a hand on the creatures head and petting it gently; surprisingly it stopped growling altogether and seemed to be enjoying the attention, and the other chimera that seemed to stop what it was doing and pay attention to him, no longer aggressive but curious and almost docile around him, he looked to where Calor was heading with the chimera's on his heels and frowned; if this could work with these two he was sure it would word with the other chimeras as well

Lets see if this miracle is as good as think it is" He muttered to himself before he ran to get ahead of Calor, once the other ran past him he was faced with the alpha of the pack and the others, he raised a hand and said one very simple order "STOP!"
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PostSubject: Re: Awaken,   Awaken, Icon_minitimeMon Jan 27, 2014 8:55 pm

Whether or not Navi would have actually agreed to Gash's thoughts wasn't really the point, Gash's initial thoughts about his own safety was thrown to the side when a small girl was in danger. The sickening reminder of him leaving two sister alone on the world haunted him more than facing the Chimera "Come at me!" Gash yelled at the Chimera waving the two away as he charged into the forest, his past of gathering berries as an apprentice payed off in this regard for he dashed through the forest with relative ease, adrenaline pumping through his veins as he runs merely to keep him going. However at this point he had realized that only one remained on his tail, the second already gave up on the chase for him. Gash turned and stood his ground the different flavors of roars all sending a chill down Gash's spine.
 "Well, you found me." Gash says with a growl, trying to appear threatening like against other beast, however something as formidable as that wasn't going to be scared of a wimpy breathless human. a breath of fire would have ignited the forest and even though it is a primal beast, it isn't a relatively stupid one so it dashes forward, snapping with its many jaws giving Gash barely enough room to spiral away from it. "Well this is it for me friends." Gash says to himself, leaning against a tree, his body suddenly realizing how tired it really was hardly capable of any solid movement especially any to avoid the fierce Chimera's attacks.
 It all seemed hopeless, the Chimera was descending upon him but the rustling and the sounds of fighting seemed to draw other creatures, significantly a creature known to dominate the sky called the Cockatrice. A fierce flier looking very similar to a dragon with a a birds head and a serpent tail. It swooped down on its prey, the Chimera didn't even notice it until it was much too late, turned to stone the Chimera sat in complete petrification Gash's horrified face was almost humorous to the Cockatrice not even going to trifle with a creature of his size sparing him just another few hours as he limps back towards the commotion unable to help physically in any other combat.
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PostSubject: Re: Awaken,   Awaken, Icon_minitime

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